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Broken Pieces

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / Soler / Evolution·演化
BrOKen PIeces - Soler
WrItten by:Dino AcconcI/GIulIo AcconcI/DavId Jon SImpson/DennIs Law

I know It's been a whIle since I've spOKen to you
I'm stIll getting over how you left so soon

It's my inner chIld

He's stIll crying For You
He knows not what to say or what to do

I'm loOKing at the brOKen pIeces
LoOKing at the brOKen pIeces
@R_22_3266@ing to make some sense of all thIs
@R_22_3266@ing to make some sense of all thIs
The traIls are running cold
I wIll never know
The tIme has come to let you Go

You're such a mystery

As far as I recall

Just lIke a crossword puzzle that you leave unsolved

You come to me in my dreams

And then so suddenly
So suddenly you're gONE so far away from me

I'm loOKing at the brOKen pIeces
LoOKing at the brOKen pIeces
@R_22_3266@ing to make some sense of all thIs
@R_22_3266@ing to make some sense of all thIs
The traIls are running cold
I wIll never know
The tIme has come to let you Go
I'm loOKing at the brOKen pIeces
LoOKing at the brOKen pIeces
@R_22_3266@ing to make some sense of all thIs
@R_22_3266@ing to make some sense of all thIs
The traIls are running cold
I wIll never know
The tIme has come to let you Go

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